Stacy Hall

Founder & Senior Fisheries Strategist

Stacy Hall has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and a Master’s in Marine Affairs from the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs at the University of Washington.  As a founding partner of Gomez-Hall Associates, she has participated in countless fisheries projects around the world. In the past, Stacy also served as Staff Economist and Salmon Plan Coordinator at the Pacific Fisheries Management Council in Portland, Oregon; Economic Analyst at the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission; and Chief of Fisheries Projects for the consulting firm Servicios de Fomento Industrial (Industrial Development Services) in Mexico City. In addition to her fisheries work with Gomez-Hall Associates, Stacy has an extensive background in environmental planning and project management.

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Peter Wessels
Fisheries Specialist
Samantha Farquhar
Fisheries Researcher & Spatial Analyst
Guadalupe Ruiz
Financial Analyst
Guillermo Gomez
Founder & President
Anny Barlow
Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Manager
Salvador Montes
Seafood Operations Specialist
Eric Laschever
Environmental Attorney
José Ramón Hernández Goicoechea
In memory of our beloved colleague

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